
by - Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Today gonna blog about the dramas I had been watched, they're 法证先锋3, 潜行狙击, 怒火街头, 醉后决定爱上你 and 城市猎人. Nice dramas indeed!

I like Forensic Heroes series, although Forensic Heroes 3 use new actors and actresses, this drama still that nice  :)  I always love this kind of drama line, something like investigation. Feel so nervous and chikek when chasing this drama. Haihssss why every drama sure got 1 good person dead one?  =/

My favourite actor and actress Bosco and 陈法拉  :)  And not to forget the famous Laughing Gor, opppssss is Laughing Sir! When I was watching this drama, lots of people already finish it, nevermind la as long as it nice!

Ohyeaaaaa 郑嘉颖凭 <怒火街头> 得到了视帝  :D  L.A Law! Actually I'm curious about why this drama title wanna use 怒火街头? Got related with the story line mie..?? Lawyer drama is also one of my love  :)

This is Taiwan drama which its actor is 张孝全 and actress is 杨丞琳. Well this drama really quite nice! Or maybe I too long time dint watch Taiwan drama already? If you're Taiwan drama fans, I bet you'll watch it.

The Korean drama I watched was City Hunter. Just because of the main actor Lee MinHo, ohmygoddd he's superb entaoooo  :D  I fall asleep at front part as I feel that quite boring eh, hahaha!!

That's all  :)  Do you notice that I'm HongKong drama fans? Yes I am!!!  :)

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